Now More Than Ever, You Need IT Service Management
Now that most companies are sending workers home to be remote employees, your IT infrastructure will need all the help it can get. The lack of in-person monitoring of everyone's work computers (which you'd normally have with everyone in the office and with an IT staff member onsite to fix problems) can lead to slowed production and other issues.
Your staff needs to be able to access the servers at work with as little trouble as possible, and the best way to do that is to have an IT managed service provider oversee things. That frees up your usual IT staff to help your workers over the phone with connection issues and other run-of-the-mill problems while letting the managed service company handle increased server loads and power.
Read on to learn about the benefits of hiring an IT managed service provider.
Meeting Software Takes Bandwith
Chances are you've got employees trying to meet with each other from home through meeting software. Video conferencing programs take a lot of bandwidth, and with other companies no doubt using the same programs, connections will be slow. An IT managed service provider can provide more bandwidth and possibly find better programs for you to use that can reduce the strain on your servers.
Server Traffic Patterns Will Change
The service can also monitor changes in server traffic. Your servers likely see a fairly steady pattern of use during regular working hours when everyone is in the office, and then little use after hours. Now, the patterns could spike at different times as people take breaks to deal with unruly, bored kids or to try and shop for supplies. A managed service provider can ensure that servers don't become overloaded.
Extra Backup Power and Security Needed
Because your server access has to allow for many remote computers now, security and power become more important than ever. The managed service provider can help shore up the security to ensure only authorized employees are getting into the system, and not random people trying to hack in for fun. Because you don't know what sort of security people are using at home — you can try to require a certain level, but in the end, you really don't know for sure what they're doing — you have to have great security at the server end, too.
The moves to shut down many offices and have everyone isolate themselves at home have been sudden, but with help, you'll be able to set up a robust remote workforce that is secure and that does not have issues connecting to the servers at work. An IT managed service team can get your company up and running from home.