Why Your Business Should Use Hybrid Cloud Solutions For Your Company’s Network Infrastructure
More and more companies today are backing up vital data into a cloud or using cloud technology to allow employees to access that data from anywhere. But as cloud technology improves, one particular type of setup is growing in popularity, and that is a hybrid cloud that can provide access to both private and public servers at the same time. Here's why your company might want to reach out to a firm with expertise in hybrid cloud solutions.
Make Use of Less Expensive Public Servers While Keeping Your Most Private Data Closer to Home
One of the top reasons companies are choosing hybrid cloud solutions today is that it is a cost-effective way to provide the right mix of security across a large scale as your business grows. A hybrid cloud setup may have some private servers that are housed within your building, but your company will also be able to send data to a server that is housed on a public server in another part of the country.
Private servers you have to house and maintain yourself are more expensive than public servers that might be shared with others. You can make the call as to which data needs to be under lock and key in your own building and which data you are OK letting into the public cloud. Having that option to use public or more open servers can keep your overall costs down.
Give Vendors and Other Business Partners Limited Access to Your Public Servers While Keeping Them Locked Out of Your Private Network
Do you have multiple levels of employment within your company? Maybe you have people who are full-time employees but there are also part-timers or contractors? Do you have vendors or business partners who need to connect to your network to get a specific set of data on a regular basis? You can set up permissions across a hybrid cloud so that some users can get what they need off the main public or more open server but they will be blocked or closed off from accessing your most private files. This kind of setup provides peace of mind and makes it less likely that critical information will leak or be hacked.
Keep Your Network and Data Locked Down But Tap Into the Latest Innovations When You Need It
Maybe you are working on a big project and you need more cloud storage space but only on a temporary basis. Maybe you want to quickly and easily download or upload a large volume of files without having to go through multiple encryption steps like you do for your private servers. A hybrid setup lets you decide when you want to dial back on the security to focus on speed or other benefits on a case-by-case basis.
For more information, contact a local company, like Nfina.